What do Science Supplements customers and their horses really think?
Delve behind the scenes into the real life of customers using our products. Real life, honest feedback from real people and their horses – no incentives have been provided, no coaching on what to say. Just genuine experiences.
This week: Charlotte and Greyman (pictured)
Q1: Hi Charlotte, thank you for participating in our e-interview! How long have you been using Science Supplements, and what inspired you first try one of our products?
I first used ProKalm at the start of 2019 when the show season started; this was my first full season with Greyman and I wanted to ensure it went smoothly for us both! I had previously used another ‘instant’ calmer with my old show horse with a good outcome but found this had no impact on Greyman – he is wired up slightly different to my other horse and needed something a bit more focused on his spookiness!

Q2: Can you tell us about him and what you enjoy doing together?
Greyman is a Reg ID, he has just turned 10. My main aim with him is to just enjoy him and the enjoyment he brings. When I purchased him, I was told he would make me smile every day and he does just that with his goofy ways!
We focus on showing together and have had some really good results over the past 2 years in hand and this year we are progressing to Small Hunter classes. This past 6 months have been a real switch around for Greyman and his confidence out hacking – we now hack for miles by ourselves, and I feel safe on him on the busier country roads now that he is making more rational decisions about his reactions!
Q3: Does he have any acute or ongoing problems?
Greyman has always been a spooky horse; he will spook at his own shadow but would happily march by a HGV truck without a blink. He wasn’t always making the best decision about his reactions to certain stimuli and this resulted in me badly injuring my ankle after a fall (the yard cat looked at him the wrong way…!). Greyman has no medical issues, and his spookiness is just part of him and his loveable personality.
Q4: Which product are you using, and how did you select it?
After reading about ProKalm and the supporting Scientific Papers (I am a nerd with an Equine Degree so enjoy reading about the studies carried out on the products and using this to help me select products), I decided to give it a whirl.
Initially I started with the smallest pack to see if he would eat it without any problems, this was a success and so forth I bought a larger tub. I have worked out how to tweak the volumes fed based on what I plan to do with Greyman each week. I also use a top up syringe on days where something extra exciting is happening – like a big show or an evening performance.
I also feed the Complete Electrolytes to Greyman and my semi-retired TB, Snitch – again after lots of research, I landed on this as the product for me and it is a palatable electrolyte that I can easily just add to their daily feeds.
Q5: What was your experience of using the product, and have you noticed any differences in him?
I have found ProKalm to make a huge difference to Greyman, he will always be a bit spooky as that is his nature, but his reactions are so much more measured. He looks, thinks about things, and then walks on forward with no drama. He is now as chilled out to ride as he is to handle and just takes everything in his stride with a smile on his face.
When out competing, he is now happy to have a proper snooze in the lineup whilst he is waiting for his turn, regardless of whatever music might be playing or flags might be blowing! We completed our first evening performance in 2019 fueled by a ProKalm syringe – Greyman took everything in his stride and wasn’t fazed by the lights, loud music and buzzy atmosphere.
I wouldn’t be without ProKalm now in his diet – he is generally a much happier horse because of it and that is the main thing to me.
Q6: Overall, would you recommend Science Supplements to others? If so, what key qualities are the reason for this?
I continually recommend SS Products to people; they are my go-to brand of supplements, and whilst the costs seem high initially, you’re actually paying for something that works, that is backed up by evidence and comes with great customer service. Free speedy delivery is always included, and I always get a consistent product.