What do Science Supplements customers and their horses really think?
Delve behind the scenes into the real life of customers using our products. Real life, honest feedback from real people and their horses – no incentives have been provided, and no coaching on what to say. Just genuine experiences.
This week: Juliet and Larry (pictured)
Q1: Hi Juliet, thank you for participating in our e-interview! How long have you been using Science Supplements, and what inspired you first try one of our products?
I was introduced to your Joint Supplement by my Vet. I had been using another joint supplement but wasn’t convinced of its efficacy and my vet encouraged me to read the peer reviewed paper by the Animal Health Trust on the Science Supplements joint supplement, which I duly did and changed over in September 2017.
Q2: What’s your horse’s) name, and can you tell us about him and what you enjoy doing together?
I have 3 horses but the horse I would like to focus on is a Dutch bred warmblood called Chevalier-O (Larry), by Lord Leatherdale out of a Negro mare. He is now 14 years old; was bought in October 2015 and is trained and ridden by Dan Greenwood. Larry is now competing internationally at Grand Prix. I am his travelling groom and his biggest admirer. He has been on the Flexibility Plus since September 2017 and moved onto the Professional when that came out.
Q3: Did he have any acute or ongoing problems?
No Larry doesn’t. He is fit and well. I feel that the joint supplement has helped his joints which give us no major worries other than those associated with working at this very high level.
Q4: Which product are you using, and how did you select it? Was there enough information to help guide your decision, or did one of our nutritionists help you, and what was your experience of this?
I started on the Flexibility Plus on veterinary advice but also did my own research. I was particularly impressed with the Animal Health Trust work on the joint supplement. I moved onto the Professional when that came out. Any phone consultations I have had have been helpful and informative.

Q5: What was your experience of using the product, and have you noticed any difference in your horse?
It is difficult to say whether there was a marked difference when I changed to Science Supplements, however the soundness and longevity of the Grand Prix horse, Larry speaks volumes for its efficacy.
Q6: Overall, would you recommend Science Supplements to others? If so, what key qualities are the reason for this?
Yes I would and have recommended Science Supplements. The key reason for doing so other than the benefit to my horses is that the quantities required to be the most effective in supporting the joints have been thoroughly researched. I presume that to be the case for all the other supplements that I don’t use. I would have no hesitation in using one of the others in the range if the need arose.